At Deciding on a Review, transparency is a core value. We believe in the importance of building a relationship of trust with our readers, which is why we’ve created this page. Here, we’re committed to sharing relevant information about how we operate and work on our product review site.
Source of Information
All content shared on our site is developed by our team of experts or sourced from reliable references. Whenever we use third-party information, we ensure proper attribution and provide links to the original source.
Images and Media
We use stock images on occasion, always respecting the applicable licenses and copyrights.
Content and Adaptations
Our reviews and materials are created with diligence and attention to detail. However, we understand that each reader may have specific needs. Therefore, we encourage the adaptation of the information according to individual circumstances, while maintaining its relevance and accuracy.
Comments and Interaction
We deeply value the comments and active participation of our readers. We are always open to suggestions, questions, and feedback about our content. However, we reserve the right to moderate and remove any comments deemed offensive, spammy, or in violation of our policies.
Partnerships and Advertising
It’s important to note that our editorial content is produced independently, without influence from any sponsors or advertisers. However, we are open to partnerships that can add value to our readers. Currently, we use the Google AdSense program in accordance with the established terms. This does not affect our content selection or our opinion on the products and services we present. We strive to recommend only what we consider to be of quality and relevant to our audience.
Commitment to Reliability
We are committed to providing a reliable, authentic, and accessible review site. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out through the contact form on our Contact page.
Thank you for visiting our Transparency page!
The Deciding on a Review Team